
Photo Credits: Irene

Monday, November 21, 2011

We Spotted: Mark Charles

#1 item on my Christmas list, a pair of Limited Edition Camy boots by Mark Charles

"Like her sister Afina, Camy also has a unique quality that allows her to take center stage without being a total diva. Her vibrant personality is coupled with an inner confidence that naturally captivates the eye in a subtle but endearing manner. Never the shrinking violet, Camy loves to be out and about living life and looking fabulous at the same time."

The man behind the boot, Designer Mark Charles.

Friday, November 18, 2011

FASH-back Friday!: Windbreaker

Item: Neon Windbreaker

Circa: Early 90's - Junior High. That time in your life when you really began to mold your individual self and experiment with whatever was in your immediate little world, be it cool or not. I experimented A LOT with fashion at this time: I wore blue lipstick, tried dying my brunette hair with Kool-Aid, dabbled in Goth style, and gave myself an Anarchist tattoo w/ a Crayola marker (my Dad flipped his lid when he caught sight of it on my ankle. lol). All that being said, I had one fashion staple that I rocked consistently, my windbreaker. During that time windbreakers were a must have, especially if they were from the coolest brands: Nike, Adidas, Gap, Puma, Reebok and Old Navy. Mine, however, was from the thrift store and it was the only neon melon colored jacket in school that I proudly wore with my rainbow colored hair ribbon.

In the Present: With fashion already reworking the 80's and in the prime of recreating the 90's look, now is better than ever to sport a windbreaker. Ladies, pair yours with a cute short skirt or a tight pair of jeans and   heels (Think: Sporty Spice mixed with Posh Spice). And guys, well fortunately you're already ahead of the curve because of your endless devotion to athletic wear, but checkout Nike's new version of the windbreaker in a knit sweater fabric. It goes from the Boardroom to the Bar easily!
FASH-back Friday!: Windbreakers
To purchase CLICK the corresponding thumbnail:
FASH-back Friday!: Windbreakers- Fellas
To purchase CLICK the corresponding thumbnail:

*If you have a past love you'd like to give new life to, feel free to post it on our Facebook wall with your description/ suggestions on how we can incorporate in a present day look.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Book Lust: Fashion Africa + LACMA extended

Fashion Africa is my essential must have book of the month! This past year I've really focused my attention on Africa's under exposed fashion industry. Those of you in the industry, hopefully have your eyes and ears open to the leading Designers and trends coming out of the Motherland. If not, pick up this book, which has been touted as the "ultimate fashion guide from Africa" that showcases "45 designers that have been influenced by the heartbeat, the many facets of history, culture, and people of Africa".

My last three book lust are fascinating extensions of my most recent visit to LACMA. You guys know by now, LACMA is like my 3rd home in LA. I cannot get enough of the place! It's like an awesome friend who   magically has something new and perfectly suited to what you just so happened to be in the mood for. Make a point to drop in and check out the Glenn Ligon: America exhibit on view thru January and the California Design "Living in a Modern Way"  exhibit on view thru June. If you missed the eerily whimsical Tim Burton exhibit, or in my case made it to the exhibit but felt like you needed 2 more trips just to really delve into the detail of his creations, take a piece of the exhibit home by purchasing the book. 

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Vino for Uno!

Oh, yummy wine! How much do I love thee? Let me count the ways...

I wish I could say that I was writing this post in the midst of a good swirl and sip, but I'm not. However, that might make for some interesting word choices on my end. As I mentioned in my bio, I'm a wine addict. Not in a wino kind of way but in the sense that I pretty much only drink wine instead of liquor and I love cooking with it! It has a presence in my weekly life, especially on the weekends whenever there's a gathering of my fabulous ladies. But, overall, I really just love drinking it... No hangovers, an endless variety to choose from, the way it compliments my favorite eats, the way it makes me feel.... How can you not love wine?

While I drink a seriously wide variety of wines- I love to try something new whenever possible, checkout my  top faves that are always on repeat along with my pairing suggestions.

* And please for the love of Dionysus, do not expect to find Moscato on my list.

Monday, November 7, 2011